🤑Token Price Dynamics

This page describes how the price of the TurboSwap token is affected by various circumstances

Initial Token Price

In general, the price of the TurboSwap tokens is defined by the following formula:

Thus, the initial token price is:

Note, that the average price paid by the presale investors for the tokens is:

In order to make pre-sale investing profitable, the presale price should be less than the initial token price, thus we have:

Fees and Interest


Investments and Redemptions

With zero minting fee this would be:

\Delta p = \frac{\alpha}{N} \left (C^\left( \frac{1}{\alpha} \right) \left( C + \Delta C \right)^\left( 1 - \frac{1}{\alpha} \right) - C \right)

Note, that very high burning fee could make the price decrease negative, i.e. redemptions could in theory increase the token price instead of decreasing it.

With zero burning fee the price decrease would be:

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