This page describes how the price of the TurboSwap token is affected by various circumstances
Initial Token Price
In general, the price of the TurboSwap tokens is defined by the following formula:
HereCis the value of the capital,Nis the number of tokens in circulation, andΞ±the capitalization ratio.
The initial capital valueC0βcould be calculated as:
Heremis the amount of money invested by the pre-sale investors, andsis the amount of money spend for the protocol development, marketing, etc, i.e. all the money spent before the launch.
The initial number of tokensN0βcould be calculated as:
Here n is the number of tokens issued for the pre-sale investors, and k is the number of tokens issued to the team, advisors, to fund operational costs, etc, i.e. to those who didn't pay for the tokens.
Thus, the initial token price is:
Note, that the average price paid by the presale investors for the tokens is:
In order to make pre-sale investing profitable, the presale price should be less than the initial token price, thus we have:
This limits the number of tokens that could be issued for non-investors (k):
The more money were spent before the launch (s), the lower theklimit is. In order for the limit to be non-negative, the amount of money spent before the launch should fulfill the following constraints:
Fees and Interest
The protocol charges fees for most operations, such as deposits, withdrawals, trades etc. Also, in some cases the protocol collects interest on the capital loaned to the borrowers. These fees and interest are added to the capital. In case the protocol collectedΞCworth of fees and interest, the token price increase would be:
So, if the capital per token has increased byx=NΞCβ, then the token price increase byΞ±x.
When an amount in default is liquidated, the protocol may take losses. These losses are subtracted from the capital and potentially may even turn the capital negative. In case the protocol tookΞCworth of losses, the token price decrease would be:
So, again, if the loss per token isxthe token price decrease will beΞ±x.
Investments and Redemptions
When an investor investsΞCworth of assets, the amount of new minted tokens issued to him is:
HereΟmβis the minting fee. The token price increase is:
Note, that very high burning fee could make the price decrease negative, i.e. redemptions could in theory increase the token price instead of decreasing it.
With zero burning fee the price decrease would be: